The Historical Village of Hokkaido in Sapporo had a sign showing a fish press used by Hokkaido herring fishermen to turn their (once) bounteous catches into fertilizer for farms throughout Honshu, where it was highly valued. To make the sign easier for Japanese schoolchildren to read, many words are written in kana rather than kanji, and furigana provide readings for some of the remaining kanji. Here is some of the vocabulary from that sign, starting with the title on the bottom right, then working from the top right down to the bottom left.
釜焚き作業 kama-taki sagyou 'kettle-firing work' [the title]
ナガシ [流し] nagashi 'sink, drainboard'
カマド [竈] kamado 'cooking stove'
しめ木 shime-ki 'press-tree'
胴枕 dou-makura 'frame-pillow'
胴ぶた dou-buta 'frame-lid'
しめ胴 shime-dou 'press-frame'
マッカ (しめ木をかける) makka [fork?, notch?, hook?] (shimeki o kakeru 'to hold the press-tree')
ロクロ [轆轤] (しめ綱を巻いてしめ木を引き下げる) rokuro 'capstan' (shimetsuna o maite shimeki o hikisageru 'winding the rope to pull down the press-tree')
樋 toi 'drainpipe'
ハチゴウ hachigou 'storage tank'
If anyone has better glosses for these terms, I'd be happy to hear them.
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