12 July 2004

Lutherans Celebrate 118 Years in PNG

The Papua New Guinea Post-Courier reports Lutherans Mark 118 years in Papua New Guinea.
ELCPNG Head Bishop Dr Wesley Kigasung said prior to the Lae celebrations, the Church has been through a lot in those 118 years.

"This year, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea celebrates 118 years of its Ministry of Proclamation of the Gospel. It is a celebration of a success story of God’s miraculous work and wonder in the life of this Church," he said.

"The small beginning on the shores of Simbang in Finschhafen on July 12, 1886, when God led and guided his inspired and motivated servant Reverend Johannes Flierl of the Neuendettelsau Mission Society to set foot on a virgin soil to plant the first seed of the Gospel.

"The early beginning was tough and difficult and filled with doubts, but the persistence, patience, endurance and faith added with God’s guidance produced an amazing story. It is the story of the Lutheran adherents of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea.

"It is the amazing story of how the Church had grown from the early missionary beginnings in 1886 to the founding of the constituted Church body — Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Guinea — in 1956 to the declaration of the autonomous church – Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG — in 1975.

Dr Kigasung said the church has developed from a small beginning in 1886 to over nearly one million members today with 16 Church districts.
Yikes. I was in PNG for their 90th anniversary.

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