26 December 2005

Chad and Sudan Now at War?

The BBC reported on 23 December that the government of Chad is now fed up with repeated cross-border attacks from the Darfur region of Sudan.
Chad says it is in "a state of war" with neighbour Sudan over the security crisis in the east of the country.

It accuses Sudan of being the "common enemy of the nation" after a Chadian rebel attack on a town last week.

In a statement, the government calls on Chadians to mobilise themselves against Sudanese aggression.

Relations between the two states have deteriorated since Chad accused Sudan of being behind Sunday's attack on Adre, which left about 100 people dead.

The strong language in the statement will alarm observers who have already warned that tensions along the Chad-Sudan border are nearing breaking point.
via Black Star Journal

As usual, the Head Heeb provides more context.

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