15 October 2004

The King is Retired! Long Live the King!

Following a very old Japanese custom, King Sihanouk of Cambodia has retired in favor of his son, King Sihamoni.
He faces an enormous challenge in acclimatising to the murky world of Cambodian politics. Under Sihanouk, the palace has reined in corrupt politicians only because of the near god-like respect he enjoys.

He could in particular face a tough time with the premier, whom critics say would prefer to rule a republic.

"He does not have any political experience, and even if he must be an apolitical king, one should have some minimum of experience. I hope he appoints good advisors," said Julio Jeldres, Sihanouk's official biographer.

However, he noted, Sihamoni has one major asset.

"This is that Sihanouk will be there, and as such, he'll be able to ask him his opinion on this or that question," Jeldres said.
via Santepheap - The Cambodia Weblog

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