13 July 2004

Japaniizu Beesubooru, Pitchingu

More creative Japanese baseball terms of English origin: Pitching Terms

auto koosu 'a pitch over the outside part of the plate'
in koosu 'a pitch over the inside part the plate'
insura (< "inside slider") 'a slider over the inside part of the plate'
uinningu shotto 'a pitcher's best ("winning") pitch'
eesu 'ace' (the team's best pitcher)
oobaa suroo 'overarm throw'
kaabu 'curve ball'
kuikku mooshyon 'quick throw to first base'
kontorooru '(pitcher's) ball control'
shuuto 'a pitch that shoots toward the inside corner of the plate'
suraidaa 'slider'
supeedo booru 'fastball'
cheenji 'change up'
noo kon 'lack of control'
nakkuru 'knuckle ball'
pasu booru 'passed ball'
battengu pitchaa 'batting practice pitcher'
fuoa booru 'a walk'
fuoku 'fork ball'
furu kaunto 'full count' (= tsuu endo suree)
booru 'pitch outside the strike zone; also, the pitch itself'
ririifu 'relief pitcher, bullpen'
waindoappu 'windup'

SOURCE: A Slightly Askew Glossary of Japanese Baseball Terms by professional translator Steven P. Venti

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