02 March 2004

Ads Aimed at Foreigners in Japan, 1915

J. Curnow & Co., Ltd., (Established 1867.) 82, Yamashitacho, Yokohama

Depot for the Largest Variety of Imported
Missionaries and Foreign Residents in Japan, when ordering from Curnow's, have the advantage of being supplied with only the freshest goods at lowest possible prices, as well as the satisfaction of knowing that all orders receive prompt and personal attention.

Immediate Dispatch after receipt of every mail.
General Orders (assortment of groceries) are forwarded Carriage Paid to any Railway Station in Japan. Deliveries Free in Tokyo by Special Messenger.
Order Forms, Addressed Envelopes and Post Office Remittance Forms Supplied Free.
Write for Catalogue.

Curnow's (J. Curnow & Co., Ltd.), 82, Yamashitacho, Yokohama, Tel. 82
Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 82
Telephone (Long Distance) No. 82
Furikae Chokin (Tokyo) No. 82
Business Address: No. 82 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama

Branches: Kobe, Nagasaki & London.

Established 1899.
T H E  Y A M A T O
34-35, Benten-dori, Yokohama, Japan.
The first high grade hosiery house.
Retail, Wholesale, Manufacturers.
Cotton, Cashmere, Linen, Silk and Mixtures, and Silks of every kind.
Stockings! Socks!!

Embroidered Dress Patterns of all kinds.
Embroidered Blouse Patterns of all kinds.
Embroidered Kimonos and Wrappers,
  All kinds of Linen Goods,
  All kinds of Quilted Goods,
  All kinds of Babies' Goods,
Silk and Lawn Underwear of every kind,
  etc., etc., etc.,

The Largest Mail Order House for Foreign Countries in Japan.


The Sunshine Belt To and From the Orient.
Largest Steamers - Finest Service - Best Cuisine

[image] S. S. Korea

Mongolia, 27,000 Tons.
Manchuria, 27,000 [ditto]
Korea, 18,000 [ditto]
Siberia, 18,000 [ditto]
China, 10,200 [ditto]
Nile, 11,000 [ditto]
Persia, 9,000 [ditto]

[image] S. S. Mongolia

The American Line.
Operating Between Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu, and San Francisco.
Cuisine under personal supervision of Mr. V. MORONI, one of the world's most famous caterers.

General Office: San Francisco. Agencies: Everywhere

Up-to-date & Economical

The Roneo Duplicator is indispensable to all persons engaged in MISSION WORK. It is of interest ot all readers of this book, because as educationists you are keen to educate in the most thorough manner. Whatever the subject be, copies can be reproduced at the rate of 100 per minute, and these copies help all concerned to follow a subject with greater ease.

We have Rotary Machines from 60 Yen Upwards or Flat Machines from 33 Yen Upwards.

[image] This is the No. 10 Machine with Automatic Feeding and Inking Device.
Remember our Guarantee is 10 years.

Catalogues sent on Mentioning this Book.
77 Main Street, Yokohama 77

Roneo Office Appliances
Everything for the Up-to-date Office.

The Roneo Copier will copy your Mail WITHOUT WATER.
The Roneo Duplicator for reproducing 5000 Copies from one original.
The Roneo Litho is invaluable for reproducing Bills of Lading, Manifests, Specifications, etc.
A well equipped office is generally the secret of business success.
Roneo-ize your office and be successful.
Consult us for advice on new systems.

Show Rooms and Chief Office:
77 Main Street, Yokohama 77
Branches at Tokyo, Kobe and Osaka.
SOURCE: The Christian Movement in the Japanese Empire, including Korea and Formosa, a Year Book for 1915 (Conference of Federated Missions, Japan, 1915), end pages

J. Curnow was replaced by the Inter-Mission mail-order service in Japan during the 1950s and 1960s. In the diplomatic world, Peter Justesen plays a similar role today.

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