20 January 2004

Diary of Angeles Monrayo, 1924-1928

Strike Camp, Middle St., Honolulu, T.H.
June 9, 1924
Dear Diary:
We had our 'dancing' 2 night straight--I made $7.00 the other nite and $7.50 last night--gosh, so many Filipino sailors came, last night and the other night, too. I gave Father $13.50. I kept 1.00 for myself. The men tell me for as young as I was, I can follow them easily like fox-trot and waltzes. I'm not even 12 years old yet, but because there are only few girls living here, I guess that's why they let me. There's a saxaphone player, too, only he does not play every time we have a dance. I like the music very much if he plays with the guitar and mandolin player, because the music sound so much better, and it makes you want to dance so much more. I can keep on dancing and forget about eating. Yes, Diary, that is how much I love dancing."
SOURCE: Tomorrow's Memories: Diary of Angeles Monrayo, 1924-1928 (U. Hawai‘i Press, 2003).

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